Friday, 13 September 2013

One Night, One Morning

Geoff is usually home around 6:00 and then we have dinner.  Normally, out of the kindness of my heart, I wait for him before we eat.  It was nearing 7:00 when I still hadn't heard from him and so I got dinner on the table.  He showed up at 7:30 and didn't say a word.  I was a tad grumpy.  Then, as I sat down to write my blog, he mentioned that a co-worker of his had arrived... at our house. 

I'm by far at my most hospitable when I haven't showered and I get surprise company that was only a surprise to me.  That morning, I had also been awakened by Geoff's alarm at 4:30 and apparently he did not have to be up at that time.  So I was in an all-around pleasant mood with him by the evening. 

We had a reasonably late night and I was certainly less angry than I had been earlier; I even liked him again.  We had some good laughs, reduced some stress and just enjoyed ourselves.  I was borderline forgiving of the second time he'd left his alarm this week and woken me up.  At 4:45, he wakes me up because he thinks his foot is broken.  I was not impressed; after all, it hadn't been broken last night!  I called him a cab and gave him a mop to hobble out with.  Perhaps that was a little harsh as he certainly seemed to be in pain, but I was having none of this on the third morning in one week.  He came back around 7:00 on crutches.  Blood poisoning.  Don't ask, I have no idea.

The rest of the kids made it out to the bus and Hunter was thrilled that Dad was home for the day.  It also didn't take him long to realize that Dad couldn't chase him.  Hunter threw underwear at Geoff and ran away yelling "you can't catch me!"  He made a game of this for a little while until Geoff stopped seeing the humour in it. 

Afterwards we headed out to get his prescription filled and I have no idea why, but Geoff insisted on accompanying Hunter and I.  Hunter wouldn't stop asking all the way to the store:  "Dad, look at this!" "Dad, did you see that?" "Dad, what is that?"  "Dad, how do we go far away?" "Dad, are we going this way or that way?" I giggled and giggled because Hunter just has such unlimited energy.

And of course once we were at the store Hunter became more excitable.  Geoff: hobbling around the store. Me: window shopping because I can walk.  Hunter: "Dad, can I have this?" "Dad, come see this!" "Dad..." "Dad..." "Dad..." I was howling by the time we got back home because he just kept going and I could tell that Geoff was having a hard time keeping up.  I couldn't help but laugh because Hunter was sharing his Hunter-ness.  Hey, you wanted to come for the ride, smart guy; by the way, I like you again.

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