Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

The title is a little ominous and from my current viewpoint, I can't help but feel that way anyway.  I'm thinking of going back to work.  I have all of these great ideas that, unfortunately, will cost money - I'm just not sure that the working at home thing is going to be right for me at this point. 

I imagine many stay-at-home Moms think about this.  Would it be better to be outside the home or not?  And by "better" I don't necessarily mean more satisfying or bringing in an income. I mean... should I?  Being at home is hard - there's so much to do and I am well aware of the fact that there's still going to be so much to do if I go back to work... but will it be easier??
Credit: empowernetwork.com

I did a cost analysis.  For me to go back to work and have care for all of my children, it will cost me around $2000.  Does that seem insane?  Yes.  Yes it does.  That's just what it costs.  Hahahahaha - can't wait to see the look on the accountant's face!  It will also cost me in travel and clothing.  So I stand to pay out a minimum of $2600 per month to go to work.  Really?

What on earth is the point??  Oh right, dental - for Miss. Me's impending braces; pension - for the not really impending but eventual retirement; money to pay for the immense number of extra-curricular activities that the kids want to do; money to pay my student loans back; oh right - and possibly number one on the list: NOT having to ask my hub to bring home money to give to the kids so they can buy whatever they want at the book fair because I don't have any left. THAT.

But there's other things to consider. I like baking stuff for the kids lunches.  I like being here when they get home to make sure they do the stuff they're supposed to do.  I like having the time with Hunter.  Sucks to have to make the decision to go back... maybe I need to try harder at that whole dayhome thing.  Paying out $2600 a month seems ridiculous; even if I could afford it.  There are pros and cons.  I will have to get back to you on this.

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