It all began with "one more thing" I had to drop off before going home and that meant the other three would get home from school before I got there. Not usually much of a worry - they can generally handle ten minutes. They were all still alive and well when I pulled up - always a good sign. Then I went into my room. I noticed a pretty decent sized hole in the door. That was new. So I asked a few questions. Turns out Ethan threw a book at Ocean. A hardcover atlas (because even with the internet I like to have books around). Okay. Well, Geoff won't be too happy but all is well, he didn't hit Ocean and by the look of the door she's pretty lucky.
Aaron decided to go get a friend. I reminded him to behave. He came back. The boys were playing in the front yard. I have no idea why I went out, or why I went around that side of the house. You know that spot where your outside water tap is? Well, it was still there, just protruding from the house in a way that didn't look so good. After I stopped gawking at it I yelled for Aaron - because the boys were gone.
One of the best things about Aaron is that when you call his name (if he's guilty) he'll respond with "I didn't do it". "Do what?" I ask. He is catching on to this as well but in the meantime I've got him - like I didn't already know. So I ask him to explain to me what he did. He spills. That's another of his best qualities. "I was rock climbing" he says. You see, the hose was still attached and that thing is over my head. Cute. Your Dad is so not going to be happy. And your friend has to go home.

We talked to the kids all evening. Holy fun. Three separate interrogations/learning moments of: Why did you do it? What should you have done? What will you do next time? Blah blah blah. Ocean whipped Ethan with her jean jacket which is why he threw a book at her. Aaron was just being a boy who saw an opportunity to do something fun with something that was otherwise uninteresting. And through all the dialogue was Hunter, bounding in the kitchen or lying on his tummy at the edge of the kitchen with his face in hands yelling "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom" or "Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad".
Hmmm, beer or lemonade? Well, I had lemonade already today and this particular after-party called for something with a little more kick. Oh, and it's possible that some lady thinks I'm a total bitch because as Hunter and I made our last run to the post office for Mom and Nana, she was standing on the sidewalk as we approached the stop sign. My window was open and I saw her there, saw her sunglasses, really bright reflective ones but I said not a word, I swear. Then I hear Hunter laugh and he says "nice sunglasses" and he could have been complimenting them, truly, but it sounded so much more like mockery and I looked in my sideview mirror and she was staring in our direction. I was like, really? Thanks Hunter. Happy Tuesday.
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