Friday, 23 August 2013

Free-falling Into Bad Food Oblivion

I had to wash Hunter's mouth out with soap.  In addition to the agitating "stupid", he has begun to use the word "a$$hole" - pairing them together like a pro and all but it's just inappropriate.  Aaron probably deserved it just as much since he's the one who taught Hunter to say it.  DAMN - I am so doing that next time Hunter says it - I have a feeling that might be doubly effective!  Anyhow, so between that and the fact that I felt like a walking ball of crap (and no, I didn't drink the whole case of beer yesterday) I said to hell with the "make me feel better diet". 

I had cereal for lunch (sugary stuff that I never eat) and crashed hard afterwards. I napped with Hunter on the couch at 2:30 and felt like absolute garbage when I got up.  I was supposed to make chicken but I didn't feel like it.  I opted for pizza.  I called Geoff because we needed some meat. Then it hit me - I NEED CHIPS! AND POP! I'm SO DONE! Give me salt and caffeine! 

I've had my fill now, after a couple of glasses of caffeine-free root beer (felt like drinking decaf coffee too but I took it) and about three handfuls of cheap and oily but desperately appreciated corn chips.  Now Geoff's being all productive in the garage again (every night this week) and I feel unproductive since I haven't finished sorting the socks. Sorting the SOCKS. Please rock my Friday night a little harder over here! 

On the plus side, we've got the tunes going and Hunter just dropped by to dance around like a stipper in training while singing something about "being smarter than your kids" so I think maybe we should go hang out for a bit before bed and he can teach me some of these shameless moves. I have a feeling that's going to make up for the whole day :) 

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