Monday, 5 August 2013

Oh My Gosh, What a Sunday!

Good morning, fabulous holiday Monday morning!  These are seriously my absolute, most favourite days - but this one feels even better than they usually do.  Why?  Because yesterday I was able to spend the whole day doing things I wanted to do.  Why?  Because I worked my tail off the whole week and there was NOT ONE pressing thing I had to do yesterday. 

There was one surprising small hot chocolate spill (gee, Hunter maybe?) but it was wiped up in a flash.  There was no laundry because I finished it on Saturday.  I swished and swiped in the bathrooms when I was in there but there was nothing dire.  People, I had a real day off! And now, on this glorious holiday Monday morning, I, once again, have nothing pressing aside from the blog.  I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to my second day off!! 

My mom-and-dad-in-law are stopping by today on their way through town, and I'm ready.  We had no dinner dishes last night because we treated ourselves to dinner out.  Actually, that was more from a lack of planning because apparently no one wanted the ribs from the other night and I hadn't taken anything else out. Meh, it happens.

So we hopped in the car and headed out.  We actually don't do this often because Hunter can hardly sit at our own table for a prolonged period of time but once in a while, we try it anyway because he has to learn.  Well, I think I can say he's evolving, though I'm not sure if I'm proud of it or not.  Aaron of course is fine because he's seven.  However, as a baby, he would sit in his highchair at mealtime - he loved it.  Hunter hated it.  We shall see.

Anyway, Hunter is definitely not afraid to demand attention.  Most three-year-old's are not I guess, but this is the first time he demanded it of someone else to the point of minor embarrassment.  I suppose we can give the kid some credit for understanding the whole "server gets everything for you" idea.  We had ordered drinks and the kids' came in tiny kid cups.  They both opted for chocolate milk.  We were otherwise occupied I guess because not long after we heard the "sluuuuurp" as Hunter finished his.  Whoops. 

We didn't think much of it because dinner was definitely going to be a bit yet.  Aaron and I were doing his kid's sheet crossword and Geoff was reading a paper.  Hunter had been colouring as well but he got our, and the hostess' attention when he stood up and yelled "Scuse me! Can I have some more chocolate milk?" It wasn't busy in the restaurant so we only had red faces for the hostess.  We hushed Hunter but really, he got it right.  Why ask Mom and Dad?  They don't get the chocolate milk at the restaurant.

When our dinners arrived, Hunter looked at his plate of chicken fingers and fries with utter disappointment.  I noticed this and wasn't sure why - it's exactly what he ordered.  He was staring at it and Geoff, who was sitting beside him, saw why; a cup of sweet and sour sauce.  Hunter doesn't use it and apparently was unimpressed that something he hadn't asked for came with his meal.  We removed the offending cup and all was well.  We started eating and the server came by to ask how everything was.  It was great, thank you.  She was walking away and Hunter (who had not said anything at the time due to a full mouth) yells "I like mine too!" 

Now at the time, it was like, Oh my gosh Hunter! Stop yelling at them!  But having sat on it for a bit I've actually come to another conclusion.  Hunter was being a customer.  When no one came by to see if our drinks were okay, (and why would they? It had only been about eight minutes) he asked for one.  When she came by to see how our meals were, and most everyone does this, she only waited for our reply.  Hunter felt slighted.

Strangely enough, now, I'm proud of the little guy because he showed a real sign of getting bigger: his opinion matters.  He showed an understanding of the whole process and also that he wanted to be involved with it.  Pretty cool, little man, pretty cool.

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