Aaron has been an absolute darling since he was able to play his game; so I don't really chalk it up to the fact that he likes the house now but it's still a remarkable improvement. When I call him, for anything, he answers straight away. When I ask him to do something, he does it. And I've had to ask. "Where does your hoodie belong?" He puts it away. "Where do your plates belong?" He puts them away. I've said it before, I don't mind reminding them so long as they do it - and I've been getting it done without complaint.

Last night Hunter had taken a container of cereal into the living room (and Geoff was right there - not impressed) and spilled some on the floor. I had to pause their movie to get it picked up but I did it. I'm becoming really adamant about that stuff now that the place is pre-tidy. Geoff, obviously realizing his place in this moment, came over to do it and I told him not to and Hunter, seeing this, said "You pick it up Dad" (!! - Nana picked up after me, I picked up after my kids and it doesn't do any good - I'm speaking from experience here!). Hunter did pick the stray pieces of cereal up - with his toes. I said nothing because I don't care how you do it, just do it. He eventually used his hands because he accidentally spilled the container twice while using his toes. Obviously, that cereal hit the trash but it was old anyway and I guess I'd forgotten it was in the cupboard.

This morning Hunter was snacking on Life cereal. He had taken a fistful out and of course some dropped on the floor. I was in the kitchen, had noticed this, and figured I would ask him to pick them up after I was finished with whatever I was doing. Then he came in after a few minutes and said "I'm sorry Mom for mumble, mumble, mumble." I bent down. "What are you sorry for?" "I'm sorry for getting cereal on the floor" he said. Well doesn't that just warm your heart! "You don't have to be sorry" I said with a hug and a smile, "just come in and pick it up." And he did.
The most amazing feeling in the world is when you see your kids doing something so well - and you know it's because of something you said or did. I felt amazing when he apologized because he was not only aware of the fact that he had left the cereal on the floor, but also that he shouldn't have left it on the floor - that kid makes me think there's hope for all the boys. And has also given me the motivation to continue with my housework today because before I put this all down, I didn't want to do a darned thing. Now I'll go organize something because apparently, even the little guy appreciates it. :)
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