Thursday, 8 August 2013

Project Video Game Acquisition Complete

Back at the beginning of July I saw an opportunity to make a compromise with Aaron.  He wanted to play a video game that we had told him he wasn't old enough to play.  However, it turned out that at more than one friend's place he was able to play it because those kids were allowed.  I realized I had a choice; either lose him to other people's homes or make him earn the ability to play it at home.  I chose the latter.

The beginning wasn't easy because he wrongly assumed that every good deed would earn him a letter in his game.  Then he thought that he could earn a letter every day for his good behaviour.  I held out for one letter over three days of more good behavior than bad and if he missed one (which he did - twice) then that day did not count.  I held my ground on this and yesterday after Geoff got home from work, the game was downloaded for him.  It was a remarkable day.

Aaron was able to rightfully play this game with his Dad and he was so excited.  When I called them for dinner, Aaron ate every morsel from his plate.  Geoff had seconds.  Apparently Geoff had told him they would resume playing after dinner and so Aaron sat and waited - patiently it seemed.  Aaron kept asking Geoff for a bite of his food.  "If you're hungry," Geoff replied, "go get some more." To which Aaron would say "No, I'm full."  Then he would ask for another bite.   I finally realized Aaron was attempting to hurry Geoff along.

"We're going to wait for Mom to finish" Geoff said to him.  Then Aaron sat and stared at me.  It was great.  "If you're bored, Aaron, you could start clearing the table" I told him.  He looked at me, then Geoff.  "Really?" He asked.  "If you don't, I have to" said Geoff.  So Aaron did it.  All of it.  Without so much as a complaint.  "Can we milk this?" I whispered to Geoff.  He just smiled, watching Aaron busy himself around the kitchen. They played a few more rounds together and then it was bedtime and everyone was happy.

This morning Aaron woke up with a headache and a tummy ache.  "Did you stay up late playing games?" I asked, a little accusingly.  "No..." he answered.  Yeah, I bet.  He's not grumpy at all for a kid who doesn't feel well so I'm assuming it's self-inflicted and he knows it's his own fault.  Funny thing is, he's not playing his game right now.  Hasn't even tried.  At this exact moment I'm starting to think that having the right to play his game is not nearly as thrilling as the excitement of earning that right.  What does that mean?

It means OOOOOOOH YEAH!  MOM is in the lead!! Feel the excitement! I was RIGHT!  I WON!!  (Fist pumps, and performs victory dance in private while silently singing "I am the champion")
~Feeling Stupendous

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