My niece is starting junior high next school year and I was shocked to realize that. Ocean is going onto grade six and that is one thing but my niece is starting grade seven. Ocean is right behind her. I'm not getting old but they sure are.
One of the greatest things about watching your children grow is being a part of that, yet not noticing how time is also passing for you. I, for the first time in my life, forget how old I am. I have to think about it now.
Somehow Geoff helps. He is five years younger than I am (takes a bow) but I honestly still think of him as being the younger version of himself. When I met him, he was 24. I forget that he's aged but I usually remember how old I am.
I once referred to my kids as little time clocks because I never noticed time going by until I had Ocean. Now it has stopped again. I have begun to forget how old I am.
I would love to chalk that up to park days but I think it's actually some internal issue. With that being said, so long as I can still play at the park, time has stopped. And even though I see my children and my nieces and nephew age, it doesn't seem to affect me. So, happily and increasingly easily, park days are reversing my internal clock. How awesome is that?! Cheers to park days and long evenings with friends and family - it keeps us all young.
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