I'm not sure whether today can be deemed successful or not. Hunter is losing his mind. On the plus side, Hunter's immense and long-lasting "I'm waaaaaay too tired to be here" tantrum scared Aaron into acting like a little angel. Carpe Diem.
Aaron is now counting down 32 days until his game. I am happy to report that it has been a stuggle. That may sound contradictory but the point is that we are still going. So maybe I'm happy to report that we are still going although it has been a stuggle. He is still working on his plus sides and each time I have to repeat the reasoning behind this I feel that he realizes I mean it. Or at least I hope. There's always that. There was only one day that ended up not counting and believe me, I was tempted... so tempted to let him have it but I warned him that he needed another plus or he wouldn't get it. He chose not to act. That was the third day in and I stuck it out. I felt like crap (am I expecting too much? Should I really count the bad stuff? It's only his third day! - general self doubt like that). We made it through unscathed.
Back to Hunter. Since he is usually so fun and engaging and just plain sweet, today was a freaking nightmare. He was placed in a time out twice, then he peed on Nana's front step (and some on him) and I had nothing to change him into. So I told him we had to go home. I carried him to my mom to say goodbye and to Nana (because he was fighting me already) and he pushed Nana away when she gave him a kiss. Nobody treats my Nana that way.
So off to the car we went and he starts up with "I want to say goodbye!" Too late. "I don't want to go home, I want to go to Nanas!" You peed on the step, you're going home. He screamed the whole drive home. Then we get to the house and he's in a huge fit now, like I'm worried huge fit. So I'm trying to calm him down. Singing, he freaks. Cuddle? Don't touch me. (This is where Aaron became worried as well)
I've never seen him like this. He took about another half hour to calm down and by the end of it I thought he was choking - I have no idea what he did, but it looked like he was choking. So I brought him into the kitchen, soothing voice, calming demeanor, have some water. And he calmed down. He didn't even sleep, just kind of fell out of the fit. Seriously praying that never happens again.
Geoff had a road trip today so it was just the boys and I for dinner. The night before, Geoff had taken spicy sausages out of the freezer and I figured this meant he was hoping to eat them soon. I forgot about the road trip - Hunter on the brain - and made those. We sat down at 7 because I finally realized that Geoff wasn't going to be home for dinner - Hunter on the brain.
We played our letter of the day game and since there was a shortage of players I let Aaron pick whatever letter he wanted. He chose "H" because Hunter knows more words that "start with Hunter" (still "helicopter" was his major contribution, about four times). Aaron says "I have one... well, I'm not sure..." and makes a face. "It's okay, try." I tell him. He says "Hore". I don't even blink. He's seven and all, but definitely not a mature 7 where I might think he's onto something. "Well, what does it mean?" My face is totally straight. "I'm not sure" he begins thoughtfully "kind of scary I guess." Well, that could have gone either way but I'd hoped when he first said it that he was going for something else. "HoRROR" I elongate for him. "Yeah, hore!" No. "HoRR-OR" I repeat. He looks at me a little funny and says "hore-er". Yep that will do. And then we went to the park and Hunter and I fought some monsters. Some days, some minutes, some hours. Some hores.
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