Sunday, 14 July 2013

I Think It's a Conspiracy

It all started on Friday.  Hunter freaked out and was totally not himself.  Saturday, Geoff and I took Aaron golfing and Hunter stayed with Nanas.  Aaron outdrove us once.  BOTH of us.  That was equal parts a source of shame as well as pride.  We picked Hunter up afterwards and went to Dairy Queen for some dinner.

Things were see-sawing in there.  Hunter wouldn't sit, Hunter's not listening, then food comes and he's kind of back to being himself.  He was dipping his French fry in ketchup and he starts talking: "No, no, I don't want to be in ketchup." He lifts the French fry out and stares at it. "No, I don't want to go in your mouth! Too bad!" Nom, nom, nom.  Then he starts playing around and I ask him if he needs a baby seat instead and he says yes.  Fine, I get the baby seat.  As I watched him climb up the side of it, I thought "You're too big for a high chair if you can climb into it yourself". Then he notices the buckle thing and puts it on "Now I know you're too big for a high chair if you can do that" I also think, silently attaching the tray and pushing him up to the table.

Then he goes back to normal Hunter.  He gave us a few laughs, he made Geoff laugh until he cried; normal.  Then he started acting up again. Geoff took him to the car.  Fine.  Aaron and I waited in line for his sundae and went out to the car. We started driving home.  Hunter starts talking to himself "Is that a boogie?" I turn around, he's looking at his hand. "I think that's a boogie on there." I face forward again.  Geoff doesn't carry tissues or napkins in his car.  Aaron squeals "Don't put it on me!" And I peripherally see Hunter wiping his hand on Geoff's seat.  I start to giggle and lean over to Geoff just a little "There's a boogie somewhere in your car." He looks at me and grins, "Your car is probably full of boogers." Touche.

Then Hunter threw a boot at Aaron (because Hunter is wearing rubber boots today - he likes them, I don't care).  And that's when it hit me - the conspiracy, not a boot: they've switched!! I remembered that when Ocean and Ethan were little, before Aaron was born, Ocean was my little ... terror.  Ethan was so sweet and wonderful and did everything when you asked.  He was a year younger than Ocean so I had no idea what I'd done to her.  Then Ocean went away with Nanas for two weeks on vacation.

The first day they were gone, I took Ethan to the movie store and he suddenly went all wicked! He was running around, flipping movie boxes off the shelves, hiding under racks, not listening and I was like who is this kid?!  Aaron had asked about his behaviour list for the day.  We were talking about it as he was sharing his sundae with Hunter, prior to the boot incident I think, and I complimented him on being a nice big brother.  I realized as well that there was no negative behaviours to report for the day.  And the same with Friday. 

Am I right about this I wonder?  Must there always be one kid who is designated to make Mom or Dad's (or both) life difficult?  Or could I truly be the luckiest parent in the world and be the only one who gets to lead such ... a charmed life?  I love that Aaron's behaviour actually does seem to be turning around but I did not expect Hunter to fall to pieces over it!  Can they honestly be wired this way? Maybe it's because they're all boys.  Maybe it's because they can't handle too much good.  Or maybe they just don't want to see me get all settled in my little life.  Or maybe I'm the one losing my mind.  Could be.

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