Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Quiet Mornings

I won't say I do my best creative thinking when it's quiet because for me too much quiet is not usually uninspiring. This morning I have noticed a difference in the way I think about the kids during quiet moments as opposed to busy ones. When they're awake I tend to think more logically: what to do, what needs to be done, what did we do already, things like that.

When it is quiet I think more emotionally. I still think about similar things but it's wistful; hopeful.  I don't think about them teasing one another, arguing or generally misbehaving (I had to spend some time pinpointing what I don't think about!). I think about their best qualities and how to bring those qualities out in the day to come. 

Is it wrong, I wonder, to spend more quiet time in the future than the past? I heard two commercials on the radio that were focusing on the past, the ones about yesteryear's pricing.  Some people think of the past wistfully but I find I use that emotion for the future.  Great things happened yesterday and the day before, absolutely, but the future is open for magic; so is the present.

When I sit in these quiet moments, I am thinking of all the possibilities yet to happen and I am hopeful. I am hopeful that with my mind on both the future and the present, I will help create something wonderful for my children.  Sure I could spend time worrying but that is counterproductive. I'm not saying I never do that I just try to make it something useful, like playing the what if games. 

During quiet times like these, the future is full of possibilities and wonderful things await my children. I'm lucky enough to be part of that. It's no wonder I prefer to have this time in the morning- I have the chance to cultivate the "theme" of the day before anything can get in the way of that optimism.  From a former night owl to an early bird, I can attest to how times truly have changed.

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