I sat down at the table and dished my plate. Eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, pancakes and, oh so thankfully, coffee. Aaron poked his head around the corner and then pulled back again. "Good morning Aaron" I tried with the next one. "I'm waiting for Grandma" came his reply. Oh for two I thought as I dug into my now comfort food/stress reduction breakfast. I did get my hug afterwards, but it was the initial reaction that got me. It must be said here that this delay in the morning hug only comes from these two - Ocean and Ethan greet me with a morning hug no matter where we are, first thing in the morning. I have taken the following to heart, thanks to my sister, Errin.
I was talking with Errin one day about the difference between the first two, who only really had me for the first two to three years of their lives, and the second two who, due to geographic differences, had access to extended family from birth. Errin was telling me that the best way to bond with animals (that's her only experience yet) is to get only one at a time so they have only one "master". Yes, I'm about to relate this to kids.
Not having been the only person in the lives of the last two, I have had difficulty adjusting to the fact that they have other people to go to. Yeah, it basically sucks. Even tonight, when Hunter was having his bath, he called me but Geoff followed and poked his head in the door as well. "Are you ready to get out?" I asked Hunter. He sat there with his head down. Geoff walked away and Hunter looked up again "I just want Dad" he says. Fine. I turned around and told Geoff to come back and went back to my book. To me, this isn't normal - because my first two always want me!

And yes, I understand that there are marked differences with being at Grandma's house and being home. They absolutely get their way a whole more with Grandma, and Grandma always has the most fantastic treats on hand. That's what Grandmas are supposed to do. Being a little Nana's girl myself, I remember it well. I just had it so good with Ocean and Ethan minus the fact that I didn't take my first adult only vacation away from them until they were 8 and 7... and the fact that they all love to see Grandma is a great thing. I just want my morning hugs. Without complaint. But Aaron just came in and said "Mom, I want to learn how to pick a lock" so I've got other things to attend to now.
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