Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Talking to My Ten and Eleven Year-Olds About Heroin

Why? Because the toxicology reports came back today and that's what killed Cory Monteith; too much heroin.  Now even when I heard it, I was like, of course he wouldn't have done it had he known it was going to be his last day.  I'm guessing here because I've never done heroin before so I have no idea if you can actually make such a sound and rational decision when you want to do heroin.

The reality is that what I and seriously way too many other parents have to do now is talk to our kids about why Finn from Glee died.  Personally, although it totally sucked, I'm not in a bad position to have this talk because I've already broached the subject of drugs.  I'm not even really sure why that was initially.  I can probably thank one of my psych classes again for making me aware of opportunities to have the type of discussion I had to have tonight.

Some of us are "lucky" in that we have a possibly shady past and recognize that our own children may be exposed to certain things earlier than others.  Such an experience enables you to have that preemptive talk.  I will leave you on the fence as to whether I fall into that category or not.  Even if I don't happen to be that person, I know people who were because I grew up in a very small town.

Like the time I took the opportunity to teach the kids about the hazardous materials signage, I have taken the opportunity to talk to my kids about stuff like drugs.  Sometimes it's not difficult, like now when a beloved actor has succumbed to the dangers.  I personally think that the most valuable information I was able to impart to Ocean tonight was that he had admitted to having a problem with substance abuse in the past. 

The reason this information was valuable is because I was able to tell her that he'd possibly done it before and it didn't hurt him.  We're always searching for the best way to protect our children from the most dangerous things out there and the end result only explains so much in a case like this.  Sure, drug use could result in death, but the reason people still take a risk is because it doesn't always.

I'm not sure if my kids will never try drugs.  I would prefer if I never had to endure a live episode of Intervention.  All I can do is try to bestow the wealth of knowledge I accumulate upon them and pray that when they say they will never do drugs they are able to turn down the opportunity when it arises.  Not if.  When. 

Rest in Peace Cory Monteith.  You taught my children to love music and song and I'm sorry this is the other thing you will teach them.

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