Saturday, 20 July 2013

Kid Time and Adult Time

Right now, I'm sitting in a hot tub (feet only, I don't do bathing suits) and Ocean, Ethan and Aaron are with me. So are five other adults, none of whom have children or are related to us.  

This is not a situation I usually put myself in.  Normally I have kid time and adult time and I do not mix them because I find I can't.  I'm either Mom or I'm just me - I haven't had much practice being both.  Not that I expect there's a huge difference, this actually stems from responsibility. 

If it's only me I have to be responsible for, I'm much more relaxed.  I'm not worried about what everyone else is saying or what (within reason) my children are doing.  I find social situations stressful with them because I worry about their manners and what they're hearing and seeing and saying.... But tonight is proving to be reasonably fine.

I know people who have brought their children into adult environments and it never sat well with me. Maybe it's the type of situation. So far as I can tell, we haven't really alienated anyone.  The kids have only needed a few reminders to take others' needs into consideration.  Maybe the time is right.

They are older now, and maybe they are ready to see what their behaviour should be, and the beat way to learn is often by doing.  It's a learning experience, and as usual, for them as well as me.

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